Saturday, 19 September 2020

SWEDEN - 18th September

 A pleasant morning at Fågelsjön but naturally it became breezy a few hours in to the ringing session, the nets had birds but without any real highlights unless you liked Reed Warblers or Blue Tits; a re-trap Lesser Whitethroat, a getting latish now Willow Warbler and a Lesser Redpoll were the best caught.   

Birds seen in the area included a few small Taiga Bean Goose flock coming in high from the north, 3 Whooper Swans, 2 Goosander, a Golden Plover, 2 Ringed Plover, 9 Dunlin, a Spotted Redshank, 2 Great White Egrets, a Tree Pipit and the morning’s highlight of several Bearded Tit flocks making exploratory high, noisy flights as if in anticipation of heading off south.   

The afternoon was sunny and windy but calming down in the evening when I went for a drive round past Hammarmaden where birds included a Rough-legged Buzzard, increased numbers of Barnacle and Taiga Been Geese and a Whinchat.   

Taiga Bean Geese


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