Friday, 9 November 2018

NORTH RONALDSAY - 4th November

We kept the strong southerly winds but there was more sunshine with long spells of clear skies; spent time in a few census areas through the day with the highlight being a distinctive juvenile Kumlien’s Gull seen distantly at Westness, then re-found at Lenswick and seen in the afternoon in Nouster.   Other totals included 9 Woodcock, a Chiffchaff, 40+ Fieldfare, 60+ Redwing, 160+ Herring Gulls, 120+ Great Black-backed Gulls, the Green-winged Teal on Gretchen with 54 Teal, 60 Wigeon and 5 Pintail and single Knot and Grey Plover with 105+ Purple Sandpipers at Westness.

My initial views of the Kumlien's Gull

and a better picture of it perched from GG


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