A return to the grey skies and chilly winds in the morning but the sun came out eventually creating two different days at the same time – very cold and wintery in the cutting NNW wind but still surprisingly warm and pleasant in sheltered spots. It was one of these sheltered spots that produced the day’s highlight for me as I found a cracking LARGE TORTOISESHELL in one of the nets rides, it showed beautifully well for less than a minute before disappearing, not to be seen by anyone else – only the second record for the Obs!
It was quieter on the bird front but little bits of note did comprise a singing Black Redstart on the fort first thing, a smart male Brambling, 4 Chaffinches, a Chiffchaff, a Goldcrest, 2 Jackdaws, a Lesser Redpoll and a Redwing.
A great little walk round Loompit Lake in the afternoon then produced a smart adult winter Little Gull and some great hirundine flocks coming in over the river and lingering over the pools which eventually totaled 150+ Sand Martins, 3 House Martins and 15+ Swallows whilst other birds included 3 Blackcaps, 7 Chiffchaffs, 2 Cetti’s Warblers, a pair of Egyptian Geese, 52 Redshank and a Coal Tit carrying nesting material.
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