Thursday, 29 October 2020

SWEDEN - 7th October

 Rain again and a Long-eared Owl floating around the Obs just before dawn promised another busy day in the nets and so it was with 85 new birds made up of 30 Goldcrests along with the usual Robins, Chiffchaffs and Reed Buntings while a late Willow Warbler was the only different thing (it was a distinctive, pale bird that looked super-rare hanging in the net but it wasn’t to be!).   

A few other bits were seen around including a late Swallow south, a Hawfinch north, a Sparrowhawk, a Grey Wagtail, 3 White Wagtails and a Great-spotted Woodpecker while high tide counts on the estuary in front of the Obs included 57 Grey Plover, 2 Spotted Redshank and 14 Taiga Bean Geese.   

A cycle out west in the afternoon produced a 1cy Little Gull, 7 Little Grebes, 120 Eiders, a Redstart and 3 Wheatears out by Getteröns Marina and counts of 53 Goldeneye, 22 Goosander, 45 Red-breasted Mergansers, a Red-throated Diver (a Swedish tick!), 7 distant Gannets, an Oystercatcher and a Marsh Harrier on the other side by Sillhallsvik while again every garden, hedge or little clump of trees were full of Goldcrests, Chiffchaffs, Robins and Song Thrushes but again, I couldn’t find anything else with them!

Pale, late Willow Warbler

Goldcrest action

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