Fine weather again and while the nets at Rysjön were not super busy there was a great range of species trapped including a smart, juvenile Common Rosefinch (a Swedish tick!), another juvenile Savi’s Warbler, another 3 Red-backed Shrikes, 3 Marsh Warblers (including an adult), a new Thrush Nightingale and a Lesser Whitethroat; the 4 Slavonian Grebes were still on the lake along with 2 adult White-tailed Eagles mooching around at first light.
The rest of the day was very warm so I didn’t go out again until late afternoon with a look at Löten producing 7 Spotted Redshank, 6 Ruff and a Ringed Plover before an enjoyable stint at the Hammarmaden platform produced a female Hen Harrier over the fields (another Swedish tick!) where there was an impressive 900+ Cranes – numbers building up everyday now towards the peak next month, a somewhat surprising flock of 34 Meadow Pipits (given that they were my first in Sweden!), some entertaining Marsh Harrier action with food passes and a juvenile which caught a Coot, some more waders including 9 Ringed Plovers, 6 Ruff, a Greenshank and 2 Spotted Redshank and 2 Great White Egrets.
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