Monday, 9 April 2018


Overcast again with lightish easterly winds and some persistent spitting rain through the morning with a walk round the coast of A producing a Black-throated Diver in Nouster along with 22 Great-northern Divers before birds around the Hooking census route in the afternoon included a smart male Lapland Bunting at Hooking, a male Wheatear on The Links, the three Barnacle Geese again and a decent array of Fieldfares, Blackbirds and Redwings while walking through Holland produced 2 Woodcock, a Chiffchaff, a Brambling and 2 Chaffinches.

                With the good conditions there was an overall increase in common stuff including a roving flock of 100+ Meadow Pipits around the Obs in the afternoon as well as more Wagtails and an obvious turnover of Blackbirds and Fieldfares.

Lapland Bunting

Barnacle Geese


Just look away!

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